Thursday, 25 October 2012

Some Important Suggestions Controlling High Blood Pressure

A normal blood pressure range is 140/90 mm Hg. However, if your readings exceed a little higher than these, you must consult a doctor and take the prescribed medicines.

High blood pressure is a discomfort in the body causing gradual deterioration in our body. If you want your BP to reduce, you have to adopt some natural cures for high blood pressure. These natural cures are some practices besides medicines.

·         Firstly, you have to bring your weight under normal conditions. It should be in the normal BMI range.

·         Physical activity even just walking can help your body lower down the High Blood Pressure condition. This must at least include 30 minute walk. If you do not have time to do it in stretch, you must do it in 10 minute segments.

·         Pick low salt and sodium food in your diet. Try to avoid packaged foods as they contain high sodium servings.

·         Switch your diet towards more diet, vegetables, grains and low fat dairy foods.

Make your health a priority for yourself and live happy and healthy life.


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