is a serious condition that can significantly increase the
likelihood of coronary heart disease and other health problems and
risks. In the literal sense, "Blood pressure" is the force
of blood against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood.
A large force over a long period of time can cause serious damage to
the body. It is very important for the people to understand what high
blood pressure means
and what should be done to prevent or control it.
has no symptoms, but could be detrimental to the heart, kidneys, and
other parts of the body for years. For this reason, knowing that your
blood pressure is important, no matter how you feel physically. In
this way, you can take the necessary measures if the pressure is too
high. People should keep a watch over their blood pressure. If it's
normal range, we must work to keep it in this area. If it is high,
you should take measurable steps for controlling
high blood pressure.