Thursday, 30 August 2012

Make It Easy: Controlling High Blood Pressure

To know the symptoms of high blood pressure becomes really difficult when you are in the early stage of it. It is possible that people spend years with high blood pressure without knowing the symptoms of it. However, some of the general symptoms that are seen among various people are:-
  • Headache
  • Nose bleeds and
  • Dizziness or dizzy spells
When calculated or monitored normal blood pressure generally scores below 120/80 mm Hg. But if you think your blood pressure is above this, then to reduce the high blood pressure become really important. Probably the most effective and easiest way of controlling high blood pressure is eating lots of fruits and vegetables that are low in fat.  Fruits and vegetables when taken with the moderate capacity help to lower down the calories, curb the appetite, and work to regulate the blood sugar and cholesterol.
Researchers have discovered that changes in the lifestyle and natural cures for high blood pressure can help in controlling high blood pressure in a very effective way. Some of the natural cures that are casted best:-
  • Garlic
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
  • Hawthorn
  • Fish oil and
  • Folic acid

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Homemade High Blood Pressure Remedies

Blood pressure is defined as the force exerted by the circulating blood on the walls of the blood vessels.  This circulation of blood constitutes principal vital signs.  Blood pressure is recorded as the heart beats over the time between the two beats.  If you have a blood pressure reading of 140/90 Hg or higher than you have a high blood pressure.  Leaving high blood pressure untreated can cause kidney failure, heart attack, strokes, injury to the brain and eyes. 

Some of the common causes that led to high blood pressure are:-

·         Genetic factors
·         Obesity
·         Birth control pills
·         Excessive alcohol
·         Genetic factors
·         Pain relievers
·         Thyroid disease
·         Abnormal blood vessel
·         Kidney diseases

·         100 gm melon and poppy seeds mixed together in a clean container. A daily consumption of 1 tsp with water either in the morning or evening.
·         If you want to reduce blood pressure than garlic is really good for you. A clove of garlic chewed every morning with water will lower down your blood pressure to an extent. If you want you can also swallow it with water every morning.
·         Take 25-30 curry leaves and make juice out of it. Take it as a first thing to do in the morning. If you want you can also add lemon juice to taste.
·         Just the same as point 3 you can also try coriander or fenugreek leaves. They won’t harm in any way so you can try and test that which works out to be best for you.
·         Mix 1 tsp each of honey, ginger juice and cumin powder. Take twice in a day.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Treatment For High Blood Pressure Through Drugs

Some of the famous treatments for high blood pressure consist of several distinct, but related types of actions. These are:-

·         Change in the diet
·         At least 30 min regular exercise
·         Quit smoking (If you do)
·         Drug Therapy

A survey conducted by W.H.O showed that most of the people who are suffering from high blood pressure need drug therapy.  However, ceasing smoking, eating healthy food and regular exercise is all beneficial to reduce blood pressure; drug therapy has come up as a piece of the puzzle. Some of the most popular medications which are used in the United States are:-

·         Beta blockers
·         Calcium channel Blockers
·         ACE inhibitors
·         Antagonism Receptor Blocker
·         Diuretics

When these drugs are used to reduce blood pressure for most of the people than it really becomes necessary that we know which drug is best.  Depending upon the patient the treatment for high blood pressure also differs. These pills can be given single time in a day or maybe twice. When taking these medicines, it is must that the patient pays full attention to its dosage. If it is prescribed once in a day it should be taken only once. These kinds of drugs are dangerous and therefore should be kept out of the reach of children.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

No 1 Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a disease which in today’s time is common. Every 6 out of 10 people suffer from high blood pressure. Using the pharmaceutical drugs for lowering or maintain the blood pressure is not recommended for everyone. The reason why it is so are the side effects associated with these high Mg tablets and capsules. 

On the other hand, natural cures for high blood pressure have gained a lot of limelight these days. The below mention is a list of natural remedies that can help in controlling high blood pressure without any side effects. Moreover, the below mention No. 1 remedy will help in restoring the biochemical balance of our body. 

Let’s have a look at it:- 

Apple Cider Vinegar – The number one natural cure for high blood pressures is not less than a miracle cure. It acts very fast. In most of the cases the results are shown just in a week. If you start taking this, I guarantee you don’t need any other kind of treatment. 

Dosage – As seen, One tablespoon thrice a day has been proven to have better results. 

Preparation – If you think it is too strong for you, then mix it with a glass of water.

 Recommendation – An unpasteurized apple cider vinegar brand is recommended. You can search online for any good brand online as well. 

Downsides – till now there is no downside seen.  If you wish you can add a little bit of sodium bi-carbonate to get you the extra carbonates that your body will need due to the acidic nature of Apple Cider Vinegar.